Hello, and welcome to the brand new PaidToFade site! We just recently completed a reboot of our site and are starting with a fresh content schedule to kick off 2020. If you want to learn more about our approach and history, click here.

See below for the schedule of content planned for Q1, which will guide you through the concepts needed for building a strong, long-term investment portfolio, and then begin a discussion on volatility to prepare for our future content on options trading.

  • January
    • The All-Weather Portfolio: Diversification and Asset Classes
    • The All-Weather Portfolio: The Key Building Blocks
  • February
    • The All-Weather Portfolio: Performance, Rebalancing, and Leverage
    • Volatility 101: Introduction
    • Special topic guest post
  • March
    • Volatility 101: Realized Volatility
    • Volatility 101: Implied Volatility
    • Special topic guest post

We can’t wait to roll out this content and see what happens next in the markets. If you have any thoughts on what you’d like to see in future content, or something we should research, hit us up on our new twitter account.

Happy trading and a happy new year!